
So It Begins…

Oh Wow. So it begins… It took me long enough to figure out the whole domain and DNS transfer settings, reworked my logo banner in Photoshop enough times until I was able to get it just right. Got lost in the whole settings and custom layout for a while and now barely able to write my first post (whew). Where should I start? I should probably start with my blog name. SKYCreatives. This is actually my business name. I came up with this name on my last year of college (eons ago) along with my graphic design colleagues. We took our initials and came up with the name SKY. Although we never really worked on a real projects in the professional world, all of us had our own unque sense for design. We parted our ways and didn’t keep in touch for years but I have decided to keep the name because I like the image and feel that the word SKY gives. The creative process seems to have an infinite possibility, there is no end to ideas and creative thoughts, so hence the phrase, ‘SKY is the limit’. Cheesy, huh? Well, we were all cheesy back then. ;D I’ve always had great passion for design and tried really hard to retain my creative talent by working on small projects on my own. So this is the place where I’ll be sharing my design thinking process, a little glimpse of my daily life with my family. You may see a lot of photos of just good food, great cafés and shops that I go to visit in my neighborhood. I also love to cook and I love to shoot, it’s simple as that. It’s no secret, I’m not a good writer, I’m not social either (actually the opposite). But I do love to meet people with similar interest and sharing ideas. Who knows?! maybe my old roommates (yeah, that’s you, K & Y) will stumble upon my blog one day and will call me up and we will be working on some creative projects together. That would be a dream. So here is to happy blogging. ; )

5 comments on “So It Begins…”

  1. Hi Lisa, thanks for stopping by and your sweet note. Oh wow! sounds like we have a lot in common. I love how I could meet people with similar interests through the blog and instagram. Hope we can chat more! ; )

  2. Hi Selina – I stumbled upon your instagram and now your blog. Thank you for your inspiration and for sharing a part of your life. I too am a graphic designer and get inspired when I see others like you sharing your talent. I used to live in Los Angeles and San Francisco so it brings back a lot of great memories seeing your posts. My college roommate in LA was Korean and she took me to all these amazing restaurants and shops in Koreatown. I got spoiled eating her mom and grandma's cooking too! Just wanted to write to you to say hello and keep sharing your talent!


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