image. Do you get tired of looking at beautiful, well-designed layouts and images but don’t get
inspired at all to create something original of your own? It happens to me all the time….
a designer’s block.
+ TALK TO OTHER DESIGNERS about what inspires them. Daniel Patrick Simmons @danielpatrick
on instagram opens conversions with other designer and artists on “Tip Tuesdays“. He also has
some great write-ups, tips about design and doing business. You can read more on his
blog.+ SPEND AN HOUR AT LOCAL MUSEUMS OR GALLERIES. If you don’t have time to visit all the
museum or just can’t afford to travel to Europe (like me), take a virtual tour in Google Cultural Institute! –
to see the exhibits and collections in high resolution tour, anywhere around the world! Find something
that triggers you esthetically from looking at all the masterpieces.+ NOT ALL DESIGNS HAVE TO BE CLEVER. It doesn’t have to have a visual link to your concept.
It can be as simple as beautiful typeface that you found. Design work may not even need a concept
as long as it works visually for you and for your client.+ STOP. Don’t design anything. You don’t have to be pressured to create something constantly.
Just walk away from the design realm for a while and enjoy doing something else. But please do
remember to come back to your sketchbook and pencil. It took me a while to come back!I hope you find these tips useful. I hope you don’t let the designer block stop you from keep creating!