
Family Photoshoot

I can’t believe holidays are just around the corner! I was just starting to enjoy the warmth of fall weather and feeling how nice it’s been to see the change in color and be able to walk on crispy leaves. We’ve been getting some spots of rain here and there (thank goodness!), still not enough for seriously drought state but it’s been nice. Now I’m beginning to feel little pressure to wrap up bunch of projects that I had planned this year as I prepare for brand new year. At the same time, I hope to enjoy spending some quality time with the family.
Sending out family photo holiday cards has become the annual tradition for many families. I guess we used to send out handwritten cards and then when all of our friends started having kids and then receiving a pile of family photo cards in the mail sort of became the norm. I love receiving them. I love seeing how kids are growing up (so fast!). I usually try to design our own holiday cards with n & t’s picture but I really wanted to get a decent family photo this year (including myself and Appah!). I am so bad at being in front of the camera, I would avoid it at all cause but I realized that I don’t have many photos taken with my family. I realized I have to make a conscious effort to be in the photo with my kids. It didn’t have to be anything professional. We met up with my sister’s family at Saint Mary’s College in Orinda, CA (15 min away from Oakland). I heard that they have the most beautiful foliage around this time of the year. I took some pictures for her family and she took some of ours. It turned out to be very casual, relaxing and fun photo sessions for both of us. I think kids had fun enjoying some time together with their cousins. 
When we finished taking some photos at Saint Mary’s College, we went out to eat lunch at Temescal area in Oakland. As I was walking to get some coffee after lunch, we spotted this cute street murals on Telegraph & 43rd St. One side of entire block was painted with these fun and whimsical paintings. Kids were naturally good at posing, we didn’t even have to direct them to do certain things. Kids are so creative it’s amazing to see sometimes! Street art can become awesome back drop for the photo. Now I’m haunting for more in Oakland.
It’s time to order those family photo cards online. Major sales and promotions are going on this week and next week so don’t miss out! I’m happy to see many online paper stores offering holiday cards and in many different formats (photo card, ornament card, fold-outs, 3-tear cards…etc.). Here is three of my go-to place for holiday photo cards. I’ve been using them for many years and love all of their quality and services. Check them out!


+ Photography by Samantha SungYun Lee @sungyun306 & Selina Lee @skycreatives

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