
Rainy Days Never Stays

Photo by Selina @skycreatives Instagram

It actually rained all weekend. California has been waiting for the rain all winter long. We had few showers here and there but haven’t had a pouring one in a long time. Today things are looking extra crisp, everything looks much greener in the air. I have this feeling, As much as I love rainy days, I really love the day after rain when it stops. Everything gets real clear and focus on days like this. I ended up staying in bed all day yesterday, not feeling too great. I can’t really blame it on the weather because it happens way too often. If I don’t have anything scheduled for the day, I would end up in bed, glued to my laptop and become a sloth. Being inactive mentally and physically may be needed at times but when it repeats like this, it can be detrimental. It’s even amazing that I am back on my feet again on Monday morning and ready to go. I hate this feeling and I want to change.This might mean I will have to schedule something for myself or family with jam packed events to go to all weekend, every weekend. Gah~~!
Back to rainy days, do you crave certain food on rainy days? I do! Maybe it’s just the way I grew up, watching my mom cooking certain food on rainy days. It’s funny because these food taste as good on any given day but for some reason, you think it would taste better on a certain weather. Or your brain just ties certain food with certain memories or weather. I guess we all have that kind of cravings. My favorite are warm noodle soups like Ramen or Phở, Oven Roasted Goguma (Asian Sweet Potato) and Buchimgae (Korean Chives & Green Pancake). What’s your rain day favorite? If not food then things or any activities? Are you like me, just want to crawl into bed and drink something warm, read a book and listen to awesome music? Well, whatever that may be, let’s try to enjoy these rainy days while it’s here to stay. Hope it’s here to stay little while longer…

Rainy Days Never Stays – Brilliant Green


Blogging Tip | Instaport.me

I was looking for simple tool that can help me to export all my instagram photos onto my local computer. This website Instaport.me does just that and it’s actually really awesome. It’s so simple, you don’t have to go through hundred steps to figure out how it works. It will save the pictures and videos with dates as file names so you can always set another date range to download for your next export. Most of my photos are edited in Afterlight app and final version is posted on instagram to share so this is the best tool for me to use if I want to use any of my instagram photos on my blog!